praise by former participants…

I talk about this program (in some capacity) to everyone I meet in my new scholarly, academic dance life. It extends much farther than its bounds of time back in March... It travels, it lingers, it is fruitful and everlasting.  — Lexi Stilianos

This program was one of the most life changing experiences I have ever had. It has inspired tremendous growth within me, not only as an artist but as a human being. Every single teacher that came in was of the highest caliber. I have never been given so many gifts by so many generous geniuses over such a relatively short period of time. I don't think that I would have ever had the opportunity to work with people like Jiri and Tilman if it wasn't for this project. Taking this type of training to Los Angeles is seriously f*cking radical. This was the first of its kind, I'm so grateful to have been apart of it... I now have a community of people that I can create with. I have found a loving home in an otherwise dog eat dog world. This program is the future of contemporary dance in Los Angeles (and around the world…) — Tailor Lee

The project was nothing short of life changing. I’ve never been so challenged in my life artistically. The crazy thing about it all is that all of the answers were already in me, i just needed help to find/see them. The project also gave me confidence. Confidence that my voice was just the right pitch, volume, and timbre. I don’t need to adjust my voice to fit into a box, it’s probably just the box that needs adjustments.  — Brien Rich

The camaraderie amongst us was powerful and to see everyone grow in such immense ways was inspiring… It never felt like a competition but a group effort into the unknown and sometimes difficult world this can be. For me this was the most life changing and beneficial thing. — Lenin Fernandez

Quality of the Program - rating: 10,000 stars. This program changed my life. Every second was exactly what I needed… — Emily Greenwell

Being a part of this project in different iterations has been so meaningful to me. I have so many gems from each single faculty member I was able to take from. They have collectively pushed both my mind and body into limits and I came out of each intensive a more informed and well-rounded artist. Up till this day I still find myself using the tools we learned in the studio and research it in my own practice. To also dance and know people who are so eager to learn and willing to share is so incredibly inspiring. I always felt supported by the group both inside and outside of the studio. Truly a community. Truly a family. <3 — Kayla Aguila